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  2. Best practice eBriefing

How do I upload non-PDF multimedia files to eBrief Ready?

Uploading files of any type follows the same, simple process. Regardless of the format of the file you’re uploading, follow this process:

  1. Select  ‘Documents’  from the main menu
  2. Select ‘Add Documents’ from the top right corner
  3. Optionally Assign all documents to a single folder
  4. Either Drag & Drop your documents or click ‘Select Documents
  5. Select ‘Upload Documents’

For a closer look, watch our short step-by-step video below.

    Once uploaded, the file is converted to PDF. Helpfully, both the original native format and the PDF are available to download at any time.

    The following file types can be uploaded to the eBrief Ready platform:

    File type Various formats supported
    PDF Including publishing format such as epub, mobi
    Office docs doc/x, xls/x, ppt/x, odt, ods, odp, odg, rtf
    Emails eml, msg, mht
    Images bmp, dcm, eps, gif, jp2, jpg, png, ps, psd, svg, tga, tiff
    Audio aiff, m4a, mp3, mp4, ogg, opus, wav, wma
    Video asf, flv, m4v, mp4, mpg, mkv, mov, webm, wmv, vob